€4 Setting Spray!
I recently picked up a setting spray in Penneys (Primark) and thought I would do a one-side of the face test. Check it out below!
PS... Fix 'N Perfect - Makeup Fixing Spray
Here is the before:
I had sprayed this fixing spray on the right side of my face which is the left side when looking at the pictures.
Here is 3hrs later:
Here are the blotting sheets
The sprayed side is on the right hand side.Conclusion
I think you can see a difference in my cheeks from the side views - there's a lot more oil in the centre and on my nose. I think there's also less creasing in my smile lines, and slightly less in my forehead lines on the sprayed side. On the blotting sheets it's hard to tell but I think the middle ones of the cheeks and nose show the most difference.So for me, as someone who gets very oily skin and creasing, I do think this is worth picking up. Especially for just €4!
Thanks so much for stopping by,
See you during the week!
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